Anurag Jain's Blog
Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Summer Workshops '08 organised by Natakvalas 
"Programmes in Drama, Dance and Kalaripayattu for all ages starting at 5 years
Start Time:
Monday, April 21, 2008 at 9:00am
End Time:
Wednesday, May 21, 2008 at 12:00pm
Kalari Academy of Performing Arts, VN PLaza
Bazaar St,Off Brigade Road, (opp Catholic Club Exit)
Bangalore, IndiaWORKSHOPS: Foundation, Intermediate and Advanced
DURATION: 2 weeks per session
AGE GROUPS: 5+, 7-10, 11-13, 14-16, 17+, 21+
TIME: 0900 -1200; 1600-1800

PRICE: Foundation Programme
Drama + Dance + Kalaripayattu v= Rs. 3000/-
Drama + Dance OR Kalaripayattu = Rs. 2500/-
Dance + Kalaripayattu = Rs. 1500/-
Drama = Rs. 1500/-

Pricing for Intermediate and Advanced TBA

Ranjan Kamath - Speech & Drama
Arka Mukhopadhyay - Performance and Devised Theatre
Ranjan Mullaratt - Kalaripayattu
Veena Basvarajaiah - Dance

WORKSHOP AGENDA: Allow participants to explore their creative aptitiude in the performing arts.


(Intro):Warm up and cool down exercises
Development of Breathing Techniques;
Poses and Movements to develop posture, balance, flexibility and muscle strength for total psycho-physiological development

Exploring movement, form, rhythms and body language through dance, from Bharat Natyam to Salsa

Speech & Voice Culture;
Developing breathing skills for clarity, emotion & projection

Just Gesture:
Exploring the Imagination and Memory Observation - through Theatre Games

Exploring the fun and work behind performing as an actor who does not speak.

Mime 'n Kalari :
Synchronisation of body, mime emotion awareness, movement and mime
For further details contact Ranjan Kamath at
919341944490 "

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