Apr 11 (last date): businessgyan / Invite you to Celebrate Change
We invite you to
TASMAC and Businessgyan are acknowledging individuals / teams who have brought about a change.
Have you made Change Happen in your organization? Tell us about it and we will Share it with the world.
Changing things is not easy, it requires thinking out of the box, coaxing people around you to see things your way and then successfully implementing it. Have you been Part of Making change Happen? Then we celebrate you and would like to share your experience with others
A panel will screen your participation, The Panelists are:
Harish Bijoor
Harish Bijoor Consults Inc.
Prof. Ragunath
Dr.Giri Dua
Mac Srinivasan
SeatonIndia IT
How to participate?
Any individual/team can participate.
The change initiative could be a simple innovation.
Change in the way one did things at work, which resulted in saving of time or money.
It could be changing the product or service leading to better customer acceptance.
It could be change in the way a product or service is presented or communicated leading to better sales.
It could be a small or a big change. What is important is that you did it and you knew best.
Participants should submit a write up on the change initiative (600 words) along with one relevant reference. (In your firm or outside who knows about the change) . All interested participants will get a Free Share Membership on www.businessgyan.com. Do send a mail to change@businessgyan.com to get your membership activated now.
NOTE: Last date for entries: 11th April 2007
How we will celebrate:
All submissions will be published in www.businessgyan.com. The platform to create a Business Identity
Selected entries will be published in the TASMAC Management Review, a quaterly journal of management of TASMAC.
A grand public event will be held to Celebrate Change and the chosen 3 Change Initiatives will be showcased and felicitated. These will also be published in Businessgyan Business Digest.
Create it, Experience it and Share it
Tell a friend, colleague, and team members , this is one chance for us to celebrate change