Written by Ilango Adigal some time between the second and third centuries A.D., the story revolves around the steadfastness of Kannagi, her unfaithful husband Kovalan, and a dancer Madhavi.
The love triangle is considered by many to be ahead of its time.
BLT's production of the play follows a contemporary staging style, but retains the essence of the original drama.
Adaptation by Vijay Padaki
Directed by Sridhar Ramanathan
Shashank Purushotham
Deepthy Shekhar
Santosh Samuel
Pritham Kumar
Nischal Pai
Priya Rao
Divya Jain
Aliyeh Rizvi
Swati Sengupta
Edgar Fernandes
Anand Ramprasad
Ranga Shankara
March 2 â" 7.30 pm at Rs. 49/-
March 3 â" 3.30 pm at Rs. 49/-;7.30 pm at Rs. 49/-
March 4 â" 3.30 pm at Rs. 49/-;7.30 pm at Rs. 49/-