TiE: Lunch Meeting with Michael Moritz; Saturday 16th Sept. 2006
Dear Mr. Jain,
Please mark your calendar and register for an exciting TiE Networking Lunch Meeting on Saturday 16th September 2006
TiE Bangalore Chapter is happy to announce a talk by
Michael Moritz Partner at Sequoia Capital
"Google, Yahoo, YouTube & You"
About the Speaker:
Michael Moritz is a partner at Sequoia Capital, the California venture capital firm that has helped to start, organize and finance companies that now account for about ten per cent of the value of NASDAQ. Michael Moritz was Director of Yahoo! when the company was founded. Later he became a Director of Google during its start stage. Moritz was also a Director of PayPal, which was the largest technology IPO of 2002 prior to the company's $1.5 billion acquisition by eBay. Moritz has also been a Director of a variety of companies including Flextronics - a company in which Sequoia Capital has invested. Sequoia Capital has also provided the original financing for Apple Computer, Atari, Oracle, Cisco Systems and nVidia.
Before joining Sequoia Capital in 1986 Moritz was a founder of Technologic Partners, a technology publishing firm he formed with Richard Shaffer, the former Technology Editor of The Wall Street Journal. Moritz began his career as a correspondent for Time Magazine and is the author of two business books - Going For Broke: The Chrysler Story, co-authored with Barrett Seaman, (Doubleday 1981) and The Little Kingdom: The Private Story of Apple Computer (William Morrow 1984). Moritz received an M.A. from the University of Oxford. He is an Honorary Student of Christ Church, Oxford. Moritz was born and raised in Cardiff, Wales.