A famous man once said ·Faced with the choice between changing one's mind and proving that there is no need to do so, almost everyone gets busy on the proof·. Nothing could be more apt for the media and entertainment world at this stage.
Suddenly, words and phrases that made no sense yesterday are today being configured into our business plans. Blogosphere, podcasting, Myspace, VoIP and other equally bewildering words are entering common vocabulary and defying convention. For was it not always the broadcaster who created content and consumers who consumed it? Was it not always that our task was to reach out to consumers through the television? So, how do we react when the consumer demands her daily soap opera on her mobile phone and her game show on the net? And is content still king?
The third edition of Promax|BDA India Conference and Awards will answer all these questions and provide fascinating insights into our place in the brave new digital world.