Anurag Jain's Blog
Saturday, June 18, 2005

Discovering the sea route to India & Journey to a Black Hole by Hari

A very good friend of mine, Hari, has written two books for children. Hari also runs Nature Yogi, an experience company that specializes in adventure sports and outdoor activities. I am presenting these two books here. If you would like to purchase them, please get in touch with me or author Hari (9886373048 or mail hari AT )

(Update Jun 19, '05: Before I write about books, here's a review by Deccan Herald on Jun 10th.)

#1 Discovering the sea route to India :
In the middle ages, crossing open seas meant almost certain death. Then how and why did nations and men forged sea routes across these mighty oceans? Discover how the Portuguese discovered the sea-route to India. The book describes how the era of discoveries started, what were the challenges faced by the sea-faring people, what inventions made possible the daring journeys.

(click on pic for bigger version)

#2 Journey to a Black Hole:

Did you ever realize that every time you gaze up at the stars, you have travelled back in time? Could you ever imagine that this whole big Universe we live in was once just a tiny speck? Did you ever wonder if time itself had a beginning? Would it please you to know that with 1 kg of any stuff, you could drive your car for about 100,000 years!! And did you ever imagine that if a very miniscule thing had not happened, the Earth, stars, the Sun and we human beings would not have existed at all!!

This book describes an exciting journey to a Black Hole. It deals with scientific concepts like black holes, galaxies, the start and end of our Universe etc written in a very simpe and easy to understand langauge. Spiced up with many humorous and whacky cartoons, the book will help explain many difficult scientific concepts taking the help of day-to-day activities.

(click on pics for bigger version)

# List price is Rs 100 per book.
# If you books for yourself, you get a discount of 25% on the list price.
# If you want to donate it to orphangae (Hari/publishers have tied up with Dream a dream foundation), you buy the books at actual cost. We gift the books to the underprivileged children and also give 50% to the orphanage. Advantage: children get to read and keep the books and the orphanage gets Rs 50 per book.


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