Anurag Jain's Blog
Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Grievance on IIMs

Following is a mail I got from one of my website visitors. Although I dont quite fully agree with the mail (and the title of the mail is too strong definitely), there might be some validity in it. Especially because I have heard the same litany of complaints from other people too. To be fair to IIMs, which business organization doesn't encash on its brand equity? And yes, even though created by central-government and hence a governmental educaction entity, IIMs are business organizations too at one level. And hence, although I dont agree with the general feeling amongst industry executives that the burden of catering to all target segments at an affordable 'price tag' should fall (only) on IIMs, I think the real takeaway from this complaint mail is that we don't have enough quality executive education programmes/B-schools in India.

"-----Original Message-----
From: Amrita
To: webmaster anuragjain do t co m
Sent: Monday, April 25, 2005 12:11 AM
Subject: - Exploitation in Education -


I want to bring to your attention, exorbitant fees charged by the IIMs and other top institutes in India for 'Executive Programs' (1-12 months) including those in association with DWGE (

The fees are very high and education loans are not available for the same. An ordinary working person aspiring to move up in his career cannot afford these executive education programs due to high fees and non-availability of loans.

The fees are high even in comparison to the full time MBA programs offered by these institutes. Even banks are not ready to give loan for these programs except for a two year MBA degree.

I would like to give you an example of such exploitation. Take the case of IIM, Bangalore. It charges Rs. 1.80.000 (non-residential) and Rs. 2.50.000 (residential) for a 10 weeks Fast Track General Management Program (for the year 2005).

The fees of Rs. 2.50.000 is almost double to that of one year fees (of the 2 yrs MBA degree) charged by IIM, Bangalore for an incomparable program of 10 weeks or 2.5 months. The content is also condensed. Also, there are no placements assistance offered for such programs.

The institute charges Rs. 70.000 for 2.5 months of stay in IIMB campus, whereas a MBA degree student pays just Rs. 1.50.000 for the whole year inclusive of all fees and accommodation. Hence wouldn't it be exploitation to charge such high fees and stay in the campus for an executive program.

Also, IIM Bangalore claims to have NOT hiked any fees for the year 2005. But they are charging Rs.2.50.000 (for the year 2005) for Fast Track General Management Programme in comparison to Rs. 2.00.000 (for the year 2004) AND Rs. 1.80.000 (for the year 2005) for Executive General Management Programme (in association with DWGE - in comparison to Rs. 1.50.000 (for the year 2004) they were charging the previous year.

These are just some examples and all top institutes are in this exploitation game. Steps like these along with non-availability of loans from banks only discourage an ordinary person aspiring to move up in his/her career and life.

It is disheartening to see that the management institutes are not bothered about people like us and just cater to the elitist !

The whole system of executive education in India is being exploited by the institutes and biased by the banks because nobody has raised a voice against them.

I request you to kindly contribute towards bringing to light such issues.



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