Even though situated in not so up-market area (Located in Worli, but very close to Lower Parel), the building stands out due to its fantastic design and makes you stare at it for quite a bit! Not a high-rise, and primarily a red-brick and glass front, the architecture is just superb. The august wide glass facade doesn't steal away the thunder of the red-exposed-bricks front. The glasses are a shade of 'black-chrome', giving an exotic touch to a summer-day look of the building. The top metal truss gives a feel of extension into the infinity to the whole scenario. Without doubt one of the finest corporate building architectures I have ever seen. (The other corporate building I was really fond of was the small ex-office of Philips Software center in Bangalore on Lavelle road, next to Airport Hotel. Of course now they've shifted to Ulsoor in a much bigger campus. Can't get hold on a picture of the old office building!)