Anurag Jain's Blog
Monday, March 21, 2005

Of all things intelligent and 'memorial'

MSN Search is gonna sponsor Amercian Mensa's events (via /.). Feels good to know that 'cause I am a Mensa member too. Damn, waitaminnit. That reminds me to renew my membership for this year!

Talking about forgetting things, here's something just the opposite: Ram Kolli, a Business analyst from Cap One has won the USA National Memory championships (via /.). A good joke on this: "oh man, I was supposed to compete this year, but I totally forgot... " The best joke doing rounds though is: "A guy named RAM wins the memory championship! Come on.."

(PS: On a totally unrelated note, download this total dhinchak number Lorna & El Chombo - Papi Chulo. Be careful though, as it has sounds that some might interpret as sex-pumped beats! Very difficult to find English info on this number. All I could find was this. EnJoY!)


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