Anurag Jain's Blog
Saturday, December 04, 2004

Dotting the Kanakpura Road

Last to last Sunday, I attended the 2004 National Conference of FJEI (Federation of Jain Education Institutes). The event was organized at the JIRS (Jain International Residental School). JIRS is a new-age residential school located outside Bangalore (40 Km). It was fun driving all the way to the school. From IIMB campus, rather than going to the JP Nagar ring road and then to Kanakpura road, I went via Bannerghatta Park. When you go to the (sort of) end of Bannerghatta Road, you get a triangle: Goto left and you reach Anekal/Pearl Valley; Go straight (half a km) to goto Bannerghatta National park; Goto left and thats a branch road that after 10 kms or so joins Kaggalipura on Kanakpura Road. So I took the last route. The road between Bannerghatta and Kagalipura is not a great road in terms of quality, but its definitely scenic. I'd been there with a very good friend to explore Swarnamukhi Falls earlier.

After attending the conference, on the way back, I took full NH-209 route up to Ring road intersection. On the way, spotted a place called Vishrant Dhama. Gotta go inside sometime and check what is it. A lil further up, dropped in at the Art of Living International Center. I always wanted to visit it and see what's it about. Just a bit after AoL ashram, saw 'The Chef Dhaba and Family Restaurant', a place where I've had many good lunches with a very good friend of mine. While coming very close to Bangalore, went to Shankara Foundation just to meet a few old friends. Btw, I had also attended the 6th Bangalore Quiz at Kukumudi (the restaurant at Shankara) only 2 days back.

Essentially, mapped all the landmarks on the Kanakpura road in the short trip!


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