Anurag Jain's Blog
Saturday, October 02, 2004

A Whole Lotta Quizzing Goin On

1. Acumen 2004: Corporate Quiz


Its that time of the year once again - time for Acumen 2004. This time, apart from the usual quiz for B-Schools, we also have a set of very special quizzes for B-School alumni. It is a chance for corporate executives to represent their old B-School once again, and win some very exciting prizes in the bargain. No hassle of forming teams or an entry fee - just land up at the venues mentioned below (the Mumbai round is on October 8 at S P Jain, starting 6:30 in the evening - please note) and take part in the written elimination by yourself. We promise you a great time.

Acumen - The National Level B-school Challenge from Business Today and The Aditya Birla Group, in association with Tata Consultancy Srvices will, this year, host a Quiz competition for all B-school Alumni currently employed in India.

This is your chance to beat old rivals and win fabulous prizes.

4 Zonal Rounds:-
Mumbai - 8th October - S.p. Jain Institute of Management & Research
Delhi - 29th October - IIT Delhi
Bangalore - 19th November - Sathya Sai Sadanam, Hosur Road
Kolkata - 3rd December - Kala Kunj Theatre, Shakespeare Sarani

You may register by sending your details (with contact number) at or you may register on the spot.
Written elimination will be at 6:15 pm. Solo entry. Top 8 scorers will be paired to form teams for the on-stage round.

Finals - Delhi - FICCI Auditorium - 20th December

2. KQA Quizzes on October 24, 2004 at Daly Memorial Hall

I: KQA's Annual Ladies Open Quiz QM:Gautam Shenoy

RULES Teams of two (women only) Open to women competitors irrespective of age or institutional affiliations Registration Fee: Rs. 50/- (entry free for school teams)
SCHEDULE Registration:0930hrs Prelims: 1000hrs Finals:1100hrs
I: Rs.600 II: Rs. 500 III: Rs. 400 and special prizes of Rs. 250/- each for the best individual contestant and the best school team.

II: PERSIFLAGE 2004 KQA's Annual Book Quiz QM: Arul Mani

RULES Teams of two Open to all Please note that the scope of the contest has been extended this year. Persiflage will include questions drawn from literature as also from genres such as biography, science-writing, travel, history, comics and newspaper/magazine journalism Registration Fee: Rs. 50/-
SCHEDULE Prelims: 1200hrs Finals: 1245hrs
Prizes I: Rs.600 II: Rs. 500 III: Rs. 400

III. General Open Quiz QM: Mitesh Agarwal

RULES Teams of four Open to all, irrespective of age or institutional affiliations Registration Fee: Rs. 50/-
SCHEDULE Registration:1330hrs ( pl. note the early start - for reasons made clear below) Prelims: 1400hrs Finals: 1500hrs
Prizes: I: Rs.800 II: Rs. 600 III: Rs. 500

EVENT IV Solus Rex - Prelims

KQA's BBC-Mastermind inspired contest was ably compered by Wing Commander G.R.Mulky from 1994 to 2000. The KQA revives the contest this year with a new name(many thanks, Vladimir Nabokov) and some modifications to the rules.The prelims will be used to select eight qualifiers for the finals in December.

The Rules The contest is a solo quiz, open to all Registration fee: Rs. 50/-Contestants will answer a 50-question prelims in 20 minutes. The six qualifiers will be allowed ten minutes from the announcement of the results to present a topic of their choice The qualifiers will also be assigned one topic by draw of lots after the prelims. The winners of the Final will take home Rs.1000/-, Rs. 750/- and Rs. 500/- respectively.

Prelims: 1430hrs, Sunday 24th October 2004.


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