Anurag Jain's Blog
Tuesday, October 05, 2004

New (BPO) standards on the block

We all know those famous words almost reaching the status of an urban legend (true though): "'X' companies out of 'Y' CMM Level 5 certified companies worldwide are located in India" (choose any X>0.5Y). That is for the software industry and, therefore, is old news. The Economic Times is reporting on the new set of standards for the Outsourcing industry. The new standards - eSCM (eSourcing Capability Model) - are once again from Carnegie Mellon University, the developer of Capability Maturity Model (CMM), the popular quality model for software services companies. With some outsourcing deals falling apart in the past (Dell, Lehman), looks to me that the certiication based on new standards will soon become must to have. Race for a world-class certification is set to start all over again. Only this time the action will be well spread over India, Ireland, and Philippines - the current outsourcing hotspots.


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