Anurag Jain's Blog
Monday, October 18, 2004

Chemical Engineering Days!

Was just going through some old stuff and came across few documents from the time when I was working in the chemical industry. The data collection sheet here was for my department's (TECHNICAL SERVICES) study titled: MEG Plant Debottlenecking Study. After a production job (working in shifts and all!), the Technical Services job was much better because:
a) It was a desk job during normal job hours (no shifts!)
b) I actually utilized my chemical engineering knowledge in this job!

It all makes me feel so nostalgic! Where are those days of Ludwig, Perry's, Nainital, Kashipur :(

(Disclaimer: This is not confidential information for the organization I used to work for.)

S. No.              Parameter                                         Date
                      Description    Tag No   . Units    30/3/98    3/4/1998    7/4/1998
                                                                                  1900 HRS
01 Feed FC 1001 (m3/hr)
02 MV (%)
03 Product FC 1004 (m3/hr)
04 MV (%)
05 Reflux FC 1003 (m3/hr)
06 MV (%)
07 Purge FC 1005 MV (%)
Column top Temperature (°C)
08 D100 Temp. (°C)
D110 Pressure PC 1108 (Kg/cm2)
Column bottom pressure (Kg/cm2)
09 Reboiler Level LV 1102 MV (%)
10 GA1202 A/B (Amps)
11 G100 A/B (FLC : 4.5A) (Amps)
12 G101 A/B (FLC : 4.5A) (Amps)

13 Product FC 1107 (m3/hr)
14 MV (%)
15 Reflux FC 1101 (m3/hr)
16 MV (%)
Column top temperature TJI 1000-1 (°C)
17 D140 Temp. TJI 1000-6 (°C)
18 Reboiler Level LV 1102 (%)
E-140 D. Steam inlet temp. TJI 1000-5 (°C)
E-140 D. Steam outlet temp. TJI 1000-3 (°C)
19 T140 Product Sulfur ---- (ppm)
20 G140 A/B (FLC : 7.3A) ---- (Amps)
21 G141 A/B (FLC : 7.3A) ---- (Amps)
22 G142 A/B (FLC : 14.0A) ---- (Amps)

23 Feed FC 1103 (m3/hr)
24 MV (%)
25 Steam to T-160 FC 1601 (Kg/hr)
26 MV (%)
27 Bottom Pressure (Kg/cm2)

Ethanol Dehydration
28 E-120 Level LV 1302 (%)
29 MV (%)
30 E-120 Ethanol Vapors FC 1302 (Nm3/hr)
31 MV (%)
32 E-170 Temperature TV 1701 MV (%)
33 E-110X o/l Temp. TJR 1000-11 (°C)

Heater B-110
B-110 inlet steam : Aldehyde ---- (ppm)
MEG ---- (%)
34 Steam to B-110 Flow FR 1402 (Nm3/hr)
35 Steam to B-110 Pressure PI 1401 (Kg/cm2)
36 B-110 inlet temperature TJI 10008 (°C)
37 B-110 outlet temperature TJI 100012 (°C)

38 Skin Temperature Pass 1 (°C)
39 Pass 2 (°C)
40 Pass 3 (°C)
41 Pass 4 (°C)
42 LDO Pressure (Kg/cm2)
43 LDO Temperature (°C)
44 LDO flow FC 0112 (Kg/hr)
45 MV (%)
LDO pumps A/B (FLC : 3.6A) GA1705 A/B (Amps)

Reactor R-110
46 Reactor pressure PI 1402 (Kg/cm2)
47 Reactor inlet temp. TJR 100-2 (°C)
48 Reactor bed temp. (Top) TI 1101 (°C)
49 Reactor bed temp. (Middle) TI 1102 (°C)
50 Reactor bed temp. (Bottom) TI 1103 (°C)
51 Reactor outlet temp. TJR 1100-3 (°C)
52 Rr o/l Gas phase Aldehyde --- (ppm)
53 Ethanol --- (%)
54 Rr o/l Liquid phase Aldehyde --- (ppm)
55 Ethanol --- (ppm)
E110 o/l Gas phase Aldehyde --- (ppm)
Ethanol --- (%)
E110 o/l Liquid phase Aldehyde --- (ppm)
Ethanol --- (ppm)

DMW Preheater
56 DM Water inlet flow FV 1501 (m3/hr)
57 MV (%)
58 D-150 Level LV 1504 (%)
59 MV (%)
60 Dehydration Steam inlet TJI 10003 (°C)
61 Dehydration Steam Outlet TR 1504 (°C)
62 Water outlet TR 1502 (°C)
63 G 150 A/B --- (Amps)
E-130 outlet temperature TJI 1000-11 (°C)
E-130 fans A/B (FLC : 35A) (Amps)

64 Oxygen flow FC 2401 (Nm3/hr)
65 MV (%)
66 Compensated Oxygen flow FQ 2305B (Nm3/hr)
67 Oxygen Pressure PR 2306 (Kg/cm2)
68 Oxygen Tempearture TJR 2100-13 (°C)
69 Delta Temp across OMS TDR 2401 (°C)

Reactor R-210
70 Inlet temperature TJR 21003 (°C)
79 Reactor Outlet TJR 21003 (°C)
80 BFW-E212 i/l Delta Temp. TDR 2101 (°C)
81 BFW-R210 o/l Delta Temp. TDR 2102 (°C)
82 BFW temperature TJR 21004 (°C)
83 D210 Steam Pressure PC 2102 (Kg/cm2)
84 MV (%)
85 D210 Steam Valve HV 2102 MV (%)
86 D210 Steam flow FR 2109 (T/hr)
87 HP condensate to D210 FC 2103 (m3/hr)
88 MV (%)

89 E-212 Level LV 2202 MV (%)

90 Water to Scrubber FC 2501 (m3/hr)
91 MV (%)
92 Overhead Temperature TJI 2100-16 (°C)
93 Column pressure drop PDR 2502 (Kg/cm2)
94 Scrubber level LV 2503 MV (%)

95 Suction pressure PC 2505 (Kg/cm2)
96 Differential pressure PD 2550 (Kg/cm2)
97 Cycle gas flow F 2406B (Knm3/hr)
98 Compressor discharge valve HV 2504 MV (%)
99 Recycle compressor (Amps)

100 Cycle gas from D-310 FC 3102 (Knm3/hr)
101 MV (%)
102 Loop differential pressure PDR 3106
103 Column level LV 3105 MV (%)

104 Water to D310 FC 3103 (m3/hr)
105 MV (%)
106 G-310 A/B (FLC : 14.0A) ---- (Amps)
107 CO2 : R-210 inlet ---- (%)
108 R-210 outlet ---- (%)
109 D-310 outlet ---- (%)

110 Carbonate flow FC 3202 (m3/hr)
111 MV (%)
112 T320 bottom temperature TJR 3000-6 (°C)
113 Steam to Reboiler FC 3204 (Kg/hr)
114 MV (%)
115 Live steam to column FC 3203 (Kg/hr)
116 MV (%)
117 Carbonate (CO3) conc. --- (%)
118 Bicarbonate(HCO3) conc. --- (%)
119 G-320 A/B (FLC : 148.0A) --- (Amps)

120 Steam to T-410 FV 4202 MV (%)
121 Column top temperature TJI 1000-32 (°C)
122 Column bottom temperature TJI 4200-1 (°C)
123 E-411 outlet temperature TJI 4200-2 (°C)
124 E-411 C/W outlet temperature TI4203 (°C)
Column bottom pressure PI 4203 (Kg/cm2)
125 Column differential pressure PD 4205 (Kg/cm2)
126 Column bottoms pH ---- ----
127 Column bottoms MEG ---- (%)

Suction Pressure PRC 4401 (Kg/cm2)
Discharge Pressure PR 4403 (Kg/cm2)
Tempearture : Stage I (°C)
Stage II (°C)
Stage III (°C)

128 Column Pressure PC 4306 (Kg/cm2)
129 MV (%)
130 Column diffrential pressure PDR 4307 (Kg/cm2)
131 Water from G-540 FC 4302 (m3/hr)
132 MV (%)
133 Column level LV 4302 MV (%)
134 Column bottom temperature TC 4306 (°C)
135 MV (%)
136 E-431 outlet temperature TJI 1000-34 (°C)
137 T-430 water inlet temp. TJI 1000-33 (°C)
138 E-431 c/water outlet temp. TI 4303 (°C)
139 Overhead vapors TJR 4200-3 (°C)
140 G-430 A/B (FLC : 17.5A) --- (Amps)

141 Column differential pressure PDR 5101 (Kg/cm2)
142 T-510 botttoms to R-520 FR 5102 (m3/hr)
143 T-510 Level LV 5402 MV (%)
144 Column bottom temperature TJI 1000-41 (°C)
145 Column Top temperature TJI 1000-42 (°C)
146 Overhead flow FC 5104 MV (%)
147 Steam to reboiler E-510 FC 5103 MV (%)
148 Bottoms pH --- ---
149 G-510 A/B (FLC : 51.0 A) --- (Amps)
150 G-512 A/B (FLC : ) --- (Amps)
151 G-540 A/B (FLC : ) --- (Amps)

Utility System
152 Steam flow (T/hr)
153 HP Steam Header PC 8207 (Kg/cm2)
154 MV (%)
155 MP Steam Header PC 8208 (Kg/cm2)
156 MV (%)
157 LP Steam Header PC 8209 (Kg/cm2)
158 MV (%)
159 HP Steam temp. TC 8204 MV (%)
160 Steam from D-830 PC 8304 MV (%)
161 Flash steam from D-820/D-840 PC 8210 MV (%)
162 Cooling water supply temp. T 23003 (°C)
163 Cooling water return temp. T 23002 (°C)
164 G-830 A/B (FLC : 127.0A) --- (Amps)
165 G-840 A/B (FLC : --- (Amps)


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