Anurag Jain's Blog
Sunday, September 19, 2004

The Greatest Trade in the History ;)

As there are lots of exchange students in the campus these days, that particular episode of The Wonder Years comes to mind where they have Inga Finnstrom, a Swedish girl exchange student in the McKinley High School. You gotta watch it to see how funny it is. Uploaded here (2.9 MB). (If you have problem playing it, download divx codec [and/or player] from here).

If you can't, for some reason, watch it, here's the transcript (from here):

(Close shot of a girl's legs as she walks down the hallway, away from the camera. A guy walking up the hallway looks over his shoulder as she passes.)
NARRATOR:One of the major international events of 1972 occurred in the hallways of my alma mater. It was of course the recent arrival of...
(Another guy passes and looks.)
GUY: Oww!
NARRATOR:Inga Finnstrom, McKinley High School's first Swedish exchange student.
Cut to
Int. Day - School Library
(Shot of Inga walking through the library. The camera rolls with her as she passes Kevin, Paul, and Ricky sitting at a table. The camera stops on them. Ricky smiles over his shoulder, while Kevin looks on blankly.)
("Wild Thing" fades.)
PAUL: Can you believe we sent Marvin Grotsky to Venezuela and got her back?
KEVIN: Unbelievable.
(Shot from the guys' perspective of Inga, as she looks around an aisle, then walks off.)
NARRATOR:It was the greatest trade in the history of the United States.

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