Anurag Jain's Blog
Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Manifesto release: a violation of Election Code? Ha!

News item in The Times of India, Bangalore. April 16, 2004:
"Not a violation: Chief electoral officer Abhijit Dasgupta said releasing a party manifesto does not amount to violation of election code as political parties have to "express their intent and convince voters on why a party should be voted''.

Is it not funny that the Election Commission had to say this? I am just wondering: In response to what/who did the EC have to say this? I mean its absurd that EC even attempted a comment on such an obvious thing. The peopel vote for a party candidate based on (at least theoretically) what they promise in their election manifesto. Manifesto is the basic contract that the candidate/party and voter enter into. Its amusing to even try to imagine what the person who complained to the EC about the manifesto release had in mind? Can you think of any grounds on which to complain about the release of an election manifesto?

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