Anurag Jain's Blog
Wednesday, June 11, 2003

Why do we need Visa?

My parents will be traveling to US in March, which would be second time for them. Yesterday they got visa from Delhi Embassy. At US embassy things are a bit better these days: all visa applications happen by appointment. That has made things better as opposed to earlier system of trying to get a front place in the queue outside embassy at 4 am!! I hope (dunno yet) they got a few years visa this time around. I dont liike the idea of them going to embassy all the time.

In general, I hate this visa business. I mean, these European and western countries treat you like nobody at embassies. A colleague of mine had to last week goto all the way to Delhi just to show his face at Greece emabassy (when it could easily be avoided). He is attending a conference in Greece rite now, alrite. But imagine having to travel 2500 Km for visa interview? Isn't that ridiculous? I mean how wide or long is Greece anyway? Do they even know/understand the problems faced in travelling such long distances as 2500km?

Similar thing happened to me last year when I was invited to attend a prestigious Entrepreneurship conference in Sweden. Due to short notice, I applied for visa only 4 days b4 the travel date and I was told point-blank that nothing can be done as they'd take 7 days to process the visa! I mean, comeon!. What is it, are we dying to visit your country or something? No, Sir! Its only short-term business interests in your country that make me comply with your idiosyncracies. And gloat while you can 'cause this situation wont last for long:

How did the visa tradition get started only? I dunno. I think its a function of demand and supply. Indians (by and large) are quite eager (if not desperate) to land just before the Atlantic or even better, crossing the Atlantic. And hence this visa business, due to huge demand for migration. On the other hand, so many countries, including India, need no visas on bilateral basis or visas are issued on arrival. I dont think this current practice of excruciating visa processes for western countries will continue for long. Not for India at least, 'cause I am one tremendous believer in India's rise at global level!.

Ultimately, 'why do we need visa' is a question akin to the question of 'why must we pay income tax?' (there was no income tax anywhere till early 20th century). Both are traditions started by governments in old times, and need a serious re-look.

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