Anurag Jain's Blog
Wednesday, February 26, 2003

Revenge of the bulbs
For last one week, I have been beleaguered by the bulbs in my life! First it was the bulb of my room's lampshade. The light in my life went out with that bulb deciding to go phut, and as a result, I had to spend two nights in the full illumniation of tube-light! ("too much light, ooh aaah.. too much light... aarghh... it hurts us, yesss it hurts us Precious"). Just when I got it fixed and back to normal illumination levels, last night my scooter bulbs decided to take a walk even as I was driving to have a nice dinner at Gramin (yes, yes, second time in 2 weeks :) I've never harmed a bulb in my life. I dunno why da bulbs are hell-bent on taking light outta my life. Bad times these, I tell you.

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